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11111 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37934

Monday 7:30 - 4:30
Tuesday 7:30 - 4:30
Wednesday 7:30 - 4:30
Thursday 9:00 - 6:00
Friday 7:30 - 1:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Is it safe to use "Redness Relief" eye drops regularly?

The short answer is NO.

Here’s the slightly longer answer.

There are several eye “Redness Relief” products on the over-the-counter market, such as those made by Visine, Clear Eyes, and Bausch & Lomb - as well as generic versions sold by pharmacy chains.

Most commonly, the active ingredient in redness relief drops is either Tetrahydrozoline or Naphazoline. Both of these drugs are in a category called...

We all know that during pregnancy, a woman's body goes through a great deal of change hormonally and physiologically.  But did you know her eyes change as well?  Below are some of the most common effects pregnancy can have on the eye.

  • Corneal changes. In some cases, pregnancy can cause the cornea, the front window of the eye, to change curvature and even swell, leading to shifts in glasses and contact lens prescriptions. In addition, changes in the chemistry of the tear film can lead...


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Eye Anatomy Crossword Puzzle
Want to check your work?  Or need some help?  You can find the answers here.    ...